How do I make an appointment with Dr Rachel Collings?

Your GP can write a direct referral to Dr Rachel Collings. You can then give the friendly team at the clinic a call to discuss an appointment time that best suits.

What should I bring to my first appointment?

-        Referral letter
-        Medicare card, DVA card, pension card
-        Private health insurance information
-        Any ultrasounds, CT scans, MRI scans or relevant information to your condition

What should I expect for my first appointment?

Sometimes seeing a specialist for the first time can be daunting. Dr Collings and the team always endeavour to ensure you feel comfortable and well informed during every stage of your care. During your first visit Dr Collings will discuss your condition and any relevant medical history you have. An examination may be performed as well as an abdominal and/or a transvaginal ultrasound, depending on your symptoms. Further investigations which may include blood tests or imaging may then be requested. Dr Collings’s will discuss different options for care and develop a plan that is best suited to you.

What are the fees involved in my care?

We endeavour to provide a high-quality, premium service for our patients. Prior to any services including fertility cycles and surgery, full financial disclosure will be discussed. Please be sure to contact the rooms if you would like to discuss this further.

Fertility FAQs

How long should I keep trying to conceive before I seek medical help?

If you suspect you have a fertility issue, or a history of a condition that can impact on fertility such as endometriosis or PCOS, Dr Collings recommends to seek advice early. Fertility concerns can be distressing so having the opportunity to discuss concerns, be investigated if required and receive personalised, evidence-based advice can save you time and money and can provide reassurance.

What tests should I have done before I see a fertility specialist?

Dr Collings will perform a thorough medical assessment during your visit and arrange any relevant investigations based on your individual circumstances. This may include blood tests and imaging. It is therefore not necessary to have any tests prior to your appointment.

Can you help me access donor eggs, donor sperm or donor embryos?

Dr Collings and the team at QFG Toowoomba can discuss and arrange all of this for you.

Gynaecology FAQs

What is the process for surgery if I need it?

Dr Rachel Collings will discuss all of options of care with you. If surgery is required a consent will be completed, pre-operative information will be provided and the team will arrange a time and date for your surgery that suits. Dr Rachel Collings operates from the Surgicentre, St Vincent private hospital and St Andrews private hospital.